Nelia Annandale: from entrepreneur to purposeful artist

HAVING handed over the reins of her beloved business earlier this year, Keedo’s founder, Nelia Annandale, today announced the launch of her latest venture: a contemporary abstract art collection called Petrichor. 

As the founder of the highly successful children’s clothing brand, Keedo, Nelia’s passion for investing in children and nurturing the planet over the last three decades has allowed her to channel her creativity through the popular designer clothing line for many years. Now she continues to follow this passion, taking a bold step forward by embracing her innate artistic spirit. 

Nelia’s path as an entrepreneur has always been driven by a profound belief in the power of education, care, and sustainability – particularly in relation to shaping a brighter future for the children of South Africa, Africa, and the world. Keedo became synonymous with ethically made clothing that blended comfort, style, and a deep respect for Mother Earth. Through her work, Nelia fostered awareness of the importance of conscious consumerism and instilled values of compassion, creativity, and environmental stewardship.

However, life’s unexpected turns often lead us down new and transformative avenues. This shift to meaningful art has been formulating for some time but was spurred forward by a devastating fire at the Keedo Paarden Eiland warehouse at the end of 2022. 

“Seeing the Keedo warehouse where all the Keedo raw materials were stocked burnt to the ground and the immense destruction caused by the fire was a life-changing moment for me,” said Nelia. It was from these ashes that she identified the opportunity for change and personal growth. What appeared to be an insurmountable challenge in fact became a turning point that awakened her artistic spirit, propelling her towards a new creative endeavour.

As a result, she was drawn to the concept of petrichor. “Petrichor is the word used to describe the smell of rain after a long drought. To me, this epitomises not only the devastation of the fire, but also the beauty that can emerge from the ruins,” confirms Nelia. As a full-time artist, she channels her vast life experiences, entrepreneurial acumen, and passion for purposeful expression into her vibrant and thought-provoking artwork.

It is apt then that Nelia’s first collection, Petrichor, is a powerful embodiment of the delicate balance between chaos and harmony, destruction, and renewal. Each brushstroke tells a story of resilience, hope, and the metamorphic power of embracing change.

By transitioning from entrepreneur to artist, Nelia continues to fashion our future, albeit through a different medium. Her purposeful works invite us to pause, reflect, and connect with the profound and cathartic messages they convey. Through her art, she both encourages and embraces the boundless potential for positive change within ourselves.

Follow Nelia’s journey on her website and social media channels as she unveils her series of thought-provoking works. Engage with her creations as she transcends boundaries, sparks conversation, and nurtures the human spirit.

Click here for more information.