Marcia Moon’s Die Heks en ander Gotiese Verhale at Pringle Proms

MARCIA MOON writes and performs songs about myths, mystical, magical and psychological themes. Moon’s Die Heks en ander Gotiese Verhale debuted in 2022 at the Toyoto Wordfees in Stellenbosch and returned again in 2023. This year she brings Die Heks en ander Gotiese Verhale (The Witch and other Gothic Tales) to The Pringle Proms on Saturday, March 9 in Pringle Bay.

Her original songs and prose, performed in Afrikaans, cover wolves, the mountains, mermaids and the witch of the Hex River Valley. Inspired by poems such as those by NP van Wyk Louw, and her great-uncle Ignatius Mocke along with more contemporary writers such as Ingrid Jonker, she weaves Raka, Toemaar die Donkerman and Ballade van Tyd into her work.

Moon, who won acclaim for her 2016-released single Heks van Hexrivier Vallei and the 2022 release of Summer in the Cape. explores the gothic themes behind love and loss in this acoustic performance.

Aside from writing and performing her own material over more than two decades she also works in law and is currently completing her Masters Degree in Criminology at Cape Town University. Pringle Proms’ Brian Berkman will prepare a gothic-themed dinner served from 6pm.

Only 20 tickets are available for this intimate house concert. Tickets, available at Quicket, are R260 each and include dinner.