Scrumptious Easter recipe from Chef Mynhardt

EVERYTHING about Chef Mynhardt’s dish just shouts Easter – hot cross buns and chocolate all mixed up in a wonderful hot sticky combination. This recipe creates a silky custard that lines the bottom of the dish.

Serve with homemade ice cream or custard and flavour with a shot of brandy for extra decadence.

White Chocolate and Hot Cross Bun Bread & Butter Pudding

Prep time:  20 min

Baking time: 45 min

Oven: 180 degrees Celsius


12 hot cross buns

500 ml cream

250 ml full cream milk

1 tablespoon vanilla extract or 2 vanilla pods

300g white chocolate

5 egg yolks

2 whole eggs

150 g castor sugar


Slice and generously butter 12 fresh hot cross buns and arrange in a buttered baking tray.

Combine and heat 500 ml of cream and 250 ml of milk.

Add 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract or two scraped vanilla pods, if available. As soon as the liquid is warm add 300 g of white chocolate and stir until everything has melted together.

Be careful not to cook.

Whisk together 5 egg yolks and 2 whole eggs with 150 g of castor sugar and slowly pour over the warm cream mixture until all is blended.

Pour mixture over hot cross buns and let it soak for 15 min.

Bake for 30 to 45 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius or until set.

Serve hot!