Sanitising is all our lives now

WASH your hands, wear the damn mask, and sanitise, sanitise, sanitise. Spray, squirt and spritz that stuff everywhere; it’s sometimes hard to believe the simple science of being clean (and not breathing over others, or – worse – being breathed on) can be so effective in curbing the spread of the deadly plague we’re in the midst of. And yet, here we are.

“They” tell us we should be wiping down everything, all the time – not just our hands. Unfortunately, we can’t all burn our clothing every time we go outside but at least we can have control over what comes inside our home. This means thoroughly cleansing all incoming items: groceries, deliveries, boyfriends, the lot.

Here at Eat Play Drink HQ, I get quite a few deliveries. The photo at the top illustrates one particularly good week; sadly, the arrival of wines has been brought to a screeching halt, but all those bottles had to be sanitised before going into the cellar. I have trust issues as a matter of course, nothing personal, but even if someone tells me they’ve sanitised it, I’m still going to do it again. I’ve heard of enough friends and colleagues who have followed every precaution to the best of their ability, and still got sick. And although I wake up every morning and press the back of my hand to my forehead like a Victorian lady with the all-encompassing vapours, wondering “is today the day?”, I can’t rule out that one day it will be.

With this now being a way of life, we should be looking at the most efficient way to kill those germs. To be effective, sanitisers should be at least 70% alcohol (insert joke of your choice here now that drinking alcohol is banned again). Since for the most part, no one seems to know what the heck is going on, and what news is fake and what is real, I limit my consumption to trusted sites, and stories by trusted, often veteran, journalists. Wendy Knowler is one such journalist, so read her story here, then make up your own mind.

My sanitiser of choice is Betasan, medical-grade, used by doctors and dentists, and SABS approved (see above). It’s distributed by We Clean Hands, and delivered to your door. Right in the beginning, I bought a few different bottles; now I go for the one-litre refills and decant into all the smaller containers so I can keep little ones in my handbag, in my car, and on my desk. The bigger spray bottle lives in the kitchen for multipurpose disinfecting of surfaces, door handles, and yes, bottles of wine.

You can read some reviews here, including my own, and more information here. We Clean Hands supplies multiple products for personal and commercial applications.

PS This is not a sponsored post.