Studio H unveils its Future Food Report with in-person sessions

STUDIO H prides itself on being at the forefront of culinary innovation in the intricate world of food design. One of the core elements in staying ahead of the curve is food trend forecasting, which requires comprehensive research, data analysis, and expert insights to predict future food trends. Embracing this strategic approach, Studio H has announced the release of its highly-anticipated 2024/5 Future Food Report — an in-depth, carefully curated forecast of the gastronomic landscape that lies ahead.

“In today’s fast-paced culinary environment, there’s a need for both trend spotting and trend forecasting, and while trend spotting provides quick inspiration for current projects, it lacks the precision and depth found in trend forecasting,” says Hannerie Visser, director at Studio H. By incorporating both trend spotting’s spontaneity and trend forecasting’s strategic foresight, Studio H is poised to curate exceptional and forward-thinking strategies for their clients, effortlessly adapting to evolving consumer tastes and ensuring that culinary creations remain aligned with the dynamism of the culinary world.

With maximum interaction in mind, the Studio H team will conduct a series of intimate two-hour sessions scheduled on 5 and 6 December 2023 to bring the Future Food Report to life. Each session is limited to 12 participants and offers a detailed presentation of the report, complete with samples and tasters as featured in the report. Tickets can be booked here. The team is also available for in-person sessions for corporate clients.

With this report, Studio H aims to provide a deeper understanding of future culinary developments, equipping professionals and food enthusiasts with the knowledge needed to navigate the ever-changing world of food design. By purchasing tickets for the in-person sessions and pre-ordering the Future Food Report, you’ll get to be a part of an exclusive opportunity to interact with experts, taste the trends, and gain insights into what’s going to shape the food industry’s future.

For those unable to attend the in-person sessions, the Future Food Report is available to buy; place your pre-order here for shipping on 8 December 2023. For more information about Studio H’s services and offerings, click here.

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PHOTO CREDIT: Retha Ferguson