All-you-can-eat sushi at The Seaboard on Sundays, oh yes

IT’S surprisingly easy to woo me, if you wish to shower me with gifts. I like books, records, wine, free rein at a nursery with a healthy bank card, and sushi. Salmon roses in particular. I don’t mind a bunch of stargazer lilies (still closed) but will take a platter of salmon roses over a bouquet of flower roses any day.

When David van Rensburg, owner of The Seaboard on Sea Point’s Main Road (opposite PostNet, it’s that easy if the man won’t ask for directions and Google Maps is broken), did his research on the Facebook group Cape Town Eats, we engaged in friendly banter in the comments section about the cost of salmon roses and whether they would be part of his upcoming all-you-can-eat Sunday special. Recklessly, he promised me a platter all to myself. I don’t think the poor man quite knew what he was in for, but he proved equal to the task. I expected nothing less; I’ve known Dave since about three lifetimes ago and he, bless, still calls me the name I went by then even though we both admit memories are hazy.

Smash Your Face Sundays launched last weekend, from 6pm on Sundays (obviously, but you never know), with as much sushi as you can wolf down for R125. This is an excellent price, as any sushi fan will immediately recognise. Being VIP and all that, we – Cookie, McAwesome and me – got an early sneak preview in the afternoon. And a large number of salmon roses. And then more salmon roses because Dave thought they could be improved upon. One has to make sure of course, and I was happy to take several for the team, in the quest for perfection.

David delivering the first pot of soy sauce to our table, declaring the Sunday special officially open

As much as Dave stepped up to the plate, so did I. I enjoy many other sushi variations but salmon roses are my absolute complete and entire favourite. They have the rice, the salmon, the splodge of Kewpie mayonnaise (which I can squeeze out the bottle directly into my mouth, don’t challenge me), roe and avo for good measure. All in one delightful mouthful. Seeing them en masse makes me so happy.

We were getting the kind of special treatment old friends do, quaffing wine and being merry. For regular customers, you’ll be served a mixed platter of a variety of sushi – nigiri, maki, California rolls, rainbow rolls, fashion sandwiches, and two precious salmon roses. After that, the rest will keep coming until you kannie meer nie, korporaal, as we like to say. Frankly, if you have capacity for more than 30 pieces, you’re a stronger person than I, and you will already have got your money’s worth.

The rest of the week, The Seaboard does hake and chips (an excellent lunch special for 50 bucks), and similar quick and tasty fishy meals. It’s a super casual venue because lord knows, we don’t have to be starched linen fancy all the time. Throw in some reggae jams and there’s your vibe right there.

Bookings will be essential. For more information and updates, follow on Facebook and Instagram.